Saturday, January 25, 2014


All Praise Steel Blue ! Yes I know it’s been a while, but it takes a lot these days to stir me from sitting out on the back deck, high on the hill, looking across the valley, slurping a coupla beers. I am here to tell you that a couple of days ago my world weary cynicism was SHATTERED! Yes folks, SHATTERED. So what happened, you ask? Let me tell you. I love me boots, the Australian Male is bugger all without his shed, AND HIS BOOTS!! So anyway, on the recommendation of me two sons I bought meself a pair of Steel Blue work boots, jeez, when I tried ‘em on I thought I had died and gone to heaven, I actually felt like a bit of a wuss, to be honest, these boots were so comfortable. At this point, you needs to know that, due to age and a lifetime of misbehaviour, me body is pretty well screwed, and I gotta have great boots, to soften the blow every time me foot hits the ground. So, it is now established that these Steel Blue boots are shit hot! After about a year or so the right boot heel decides to fall to bits, “Bugger” I thought, however, being the bronzed Anzaz type of bloke I didn’t worry about it, till I started walking round in semicircles, due to the loss of traction in me right heel. Now, I’m not the sort of bloke that whinges and whines about life and all, however, these were me boots!! So I take me email maker in hand and emails said “Steel Blue” company, not expecting much (refer to world weary cynicism somewhere in the first few lines) Was I ever surprised when I gets an email from a bloke called Ryan, threatening to come up the hill from wherever “Steel Blue” calls its home, and bring me a new pair of boots!! DO WHAT! So he shows up less than two days later, explains that they had a production problem with a batch about when I bought mine, and presents me with a BRAND NEW, BOX AND ALL, pair of boots. (He subsequently took the box with him, so as to carry the faulty boots back to the lab) What do I think about this. “ALL HAIL STEEL BLUE” Take it from me, go buy yourself some serious boots. Cheers Marius