Monday, March 25, 2013


Once I was this person, and ten different kinds of fool at the same time. In later years I came out of the coma and became a sweety, er, almost!

So you think you had it rough
To survive you had to be tough
But surviving just wasn't enough
You had to prove what you were
By being savage cynical so sure

Everything was hard you say
No time for no other way
Hard knocks got in your way
Hard rocks forced you to be
Something you never should be
Cold and strong unable to see
But your own

You cried
Then Lied
And Died

 Is It easy to be so alone
Though your always on the phone
Fighting so hard to stay ahead
When inside

Marius March 2013

Everybody Wants A Piece

Everybody Wants a Piece

One girl wants my body
Another wants my mind
This one only wants to talk
Because she thinks I’m Kind

This man wants my money
That one wants a friend
Everybody wants a piece
Will it never end

Let go of me my brother
Don’t hang on me my mother
I do not need  another
I do not need a  lover

The boss wants all my time
The dentist wants my teeth
Give my eyes to charity
It’s all beyond belief

I’ll play you some cool guitar
I’ll sing you rock and roll,
I’ll give you all while you give nothing
Just leave me with my soul


Marius March 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013


In a thrill packed day at Dirt Poor Studios, High on the hill, Australia the Dirt Poor Band were deleighted to have Buddy Krupa sit in on a session.
Buddy just turned 80 and he still rocks, as do the rest of the guys.
Our combined age is too awaesome to contmplate, it just goes to show, YOUR NEVER TOO OLD TO ROCK AND ROLL, Hmmmmmmmmmmm there's a song in that.
If you feel that life is passing you by, your bored, one foot in the grave etc. start or join a BAND, hahahahah!
Here is an unrehearsed one off live performance of a song written, by Sir Geffroi called Perdition Blues, you will need your
 dancing shoes!Click the link to view

The Players Are Guitars, Sir Geffroi, Guitars, STormin Norm, Bass, Cyrus K Hammerblow and drums , Buddy Krupa


Cyrus K

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Painkillers are addictive: Panadeine Forte

A few posts ago I bragged about ditching the above painkiller after years of maximum usage. After three days I felt like someone had dropped a planet on me, blurred vision,nausea, lack of desire to breath, etcetcetc. It seems that the "eine" in the name refers to codeine which does not want to let you go without a fight. The more I do the stuff I like to do, the more the pain rides up on its big black horse and smacks me around. I have started using the pills again, but in ones instead of twos. I don't know who said Never give up, (possibly it was me). Its a hard road.
When life is hard "SUCK IT UP"
I'm off for a power nap now! hahahahaha!
Hunsicker USM

Depression: But Wait There's More

Further to my previous post on ths subject, here is a song called The Running Man. It has images of a man who has lost the plot and decided to run away from his life. In amongst the images are a number of cool text messages which might just help.
If that fails send me $2000 in cash immediately and at least one of us will not be depressed

Night Train

Why are trains so scary at night?
Ten of the best men you've got could not get me on a midnight train from anywhere to anywhere.
Here is a song called Night Train

Have a look at a Marius "Bad Dream."


I am hearing more and more about this subject, and having, most of my life a personality bordering on manic depressive I know the horrors, of the "Black Dogs"
Some things I have learned to keep them at bay!
1 Get out of the house and in to the open air, it always lightens the cloud, especially on a sunny day.

2 Sing in the shower, everyone else in the house will get depressed, you however, will be fine! Honest.

3 Remember, the past is the dead past, it is gone, you can't get it back, neither can it harm you, where the mind leads the body follows, if you will keep telling yourself. only good days from now on, your subconscious brain will fill the order.

Find an interest, prefereably one where you are invloved with other people, mine is music, without this outlet, I would be in the funny farm, in a padded room, taking meals through a straw.

If you can't think of an interest, check out the net for hobbies, pastimes, social groups, etc. It takes less effort than you think to head back into the light.

Marius The Dark Side: Necromancer

Over my whole life I have suffered nightmares and I'm told sleepwalking, some of the dreams had me waking up shouting something severe.
I wrote this song "Necromancer" fancying myself as the new guru of Gothic Rock. The keyboard was a funny little Yamaha PSS 680. It was then and is new  a draft, awaiting me getting serious and back into my studio proper like!
All the pics I found on the net, are only a microscopic precentage of whats out there.
I might add, this is just a song, I'm not really into this stuff, er that much, honest!
here's the clip

take a stiff drink and enjoy!!

Its A Tough Life for Street Kids

A long time ago I wrote some songs as part of an urban song cycle, this one being about the absolutely awful situation of kids, orphaned, abandoned, run away living on the streets of our cities globally. I found a heap of pics on google, they kill me. I'm not hearing one thing from our politicians as to helping them. I guess they don't get votes that way, after all the poor kids aren't voters eh!!
Have a look:-

Pretty disturbing eh!
If you have any spare coin, find a charity like UNICEF and give 'em a donation.

My Car

I was looking for some pics, to make into a film clip of a song I wrote, called "My Car",
I was having a retro music attack and decided to construct a song on which I play all the instruments and do all the vocals. It took me forever. One day soon, I will re record it proper like !
However the clip features some weird and wonderful cars, cool cars,muscle cars, and a GTHO phase 4 Falcon, cool as , here's the clip

Hope you like it, if I keep this up we'll have a very weird album, in the not too distant future.


More Marius Movies

Its been a while, I know.
I have been engaged in uploading more of my own music and films to my you tube channel.
The latest posts feature, loneliness,street kids, cars and something dark called "Necromancer" (Amazing what gets written when drinking, drinking etcetc.
Here is the first link:-
"Nights End", it is late night in a big city bar, a woman sits alone and wistful, she does not want to go home alone. This songs features a terrific vocal performance by my friend Cindy Berman. I of course wrote the song, and I modestly think it is a heartbreaker!

Have a look, turn it up.
Let me know if you like it

Cheers , Marius