Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Feel Good technique

First thing in the day in the shower, imagine you are washing off all the droos in your life so far. Tody is a new day, make it your day. The choice is yours, no excuses, if you miss this good day, you can't get it back !! Don't miss it ! Cheers Tony
One week after withdrawing from panadeine forte, a rough week you might say, however, it is starting to get a little better. The biggest hurdle is not to let the drug grab me emotionally, and I am working really hard to resist the urge or craving to take it for emotional relief. Still much pain, and screwed up functions, but it is getting better. Stay tuned. Cheers Tony

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Living In The Past

The past is another country, I no longer live there or visit there!! Marius Philosopher

Codeine : The Not So Phantom Menace

Lets be clear on this, codeine has one purpose, that is "To Make Squillions of Dollars For Big Pharma" Yes, I know, it also has the secondary facility to relieve pain, from mild to severe, and it is often prescribed as part of a mix in treatment of chronic pain and acute pain. Me? I have been prescribed and have ingested thousands of Panadeine Forte since about 2004. I am constantly under attack from the forces of staggering, knock you down pain and other stuff since about 2000. I went cold turkey and gave up opiods a few years ago and stayed away from them for two years or so, then, I took them up again as a support through my continued battle with the dark forces of multiple health issues, most of which involve, as per right now, lots of pain, all the time. My usage got back up to about 6 Panadeine forte per day every day. I made a conscious and seriously brave decision to give up, and having tapered down rapidly, about 3 days ago I took my last codeine based pill. Of course the full pack arrived straight away, all over body and head pain, murderous dreams, runny nose ( ids nod fuddy !!), permanent yawning, dragging round half dead, blah blah blah. I should mention that I also had a killer brush with stevens Johnson syndrome after using gout pill allapurinol, and since then my blood pressure has been off the planet, thus beating up my kidneys. HOWEVER !!, The worst thing about codeine, it is fiercely addictive, and apst from the physical crap that goes with giving up, the emotional and mental processes can be screwed for years, and addiction may recur. Pity those people who have slide into heavy codeine use intitially for "recreational" reasons. The reason for this post is to say, If I can get off this, so can thousands of others !! I will post regularly, stick with me !! the journey resumes. Cheers, Tony

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Looking out the window on a rainy day here, high on the ridge, in a million acres of forest. A sense of peace and calm, unusual eh? It rains, why, it is October, should be mid spring and sunny. However I like the atmosphere as the rain tumbles through the tree tops of my endless forest view. Question ? Is the meaning of life a number such as 1/371 Is it an illusion in which we never wake? How do YOU know that YOUR life is real, or better still do you know it is real only as a creation of the metaphysical mind? WELL , DO YA? Philosophy: from as far back as Thales of Miletus, argues endlessly about the themes,what is life, who are we, are we in fact anything or just a cog in a cosmic computer? My thoughts change by the nanosecond, right now, I think, who cares, let it drift !! It is most seriously excellent to be alive (perhaps) on such a day, in fact on any day ! Why sweat it? Then: 1 billionth of a microquantumquarkything, It ( It used to be I, but for a while we will enter the realm of the 3rd person non subjective don't you think) It now thinks, hello, hello, from the Dog Star Sirius, why not, excercise its brain, stoke the intellectual boiler so to speak. An endless stream of front brain stuff carries on meanwhile, it observes that its fingers caress the keyboard, its eyes take in terrabytes of impressions by the second, effortlessly, odd that we let this go on without comment, it's worth a nod now and then, where is this mass of information going, where is it stored, is it stored or dismissed as the moment passes. Why is it necessary to understand the logic of language, what we say is what we say , or is it, maybe it is a symptom of our inability to comprehend the infinitesimal nothingmeaningless of our place in spacetime (warped) And while we are in this mood, why has gravity never to this point been expalained? Ha ! probably the same reason that a cure for cancer continues to be hidden from view. Later
14th October 2018 Its been a while.